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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Do You Know Everything About Google’s Disavow Tool? Let Us Prove You Wrong

Are you among those who wish to get the most out of Google Disavow Links Tool? The tool has been a mystery with numerous misconceptions surrounding its countless uses ever since it was introduced to the digital world.

The blog aims at ensuring you know things about the tool that you have been missing on. Below mentioned are few of the pints that could help you know the tool more and better, so to know more keep reading:

The webmaster still shows the disavowed links:
The fact is that when a link is disavowed, Google effectively adds a nofollow invisible tag to the link. No external evidences could prove it. However, the disavowed links are listed in the WMT, quite similarly as your other nofollow links are.

The Disavow File has a limit:
A Google employee Aaseesh Marina Informs there is a 2 megabyte size limit to a disavow file. Although the limit is quite large, it still is a limit. 

If you have a disavow file, Webspam Team will not read the comments in it:
The comments in your disavow file is exclusively for you to help you understand the file better and make it easier for you to read the file, if you need to make any amends or changes in the future. Which means, no matter how much content you put in these files in form of comments at the end of the day, no one is going to read it, but you.

Do not include the nofollowed links in the file:
You do not get any page rank on a nofollowed link, which means however many back links you get from these; it will not affect the Google rankings for your site. So there is no use including the no follow links in the file. 

You can Reavow your Disavowed links
If there was some error while adding links to your disavow file and you have added links that should not have been there, you can remove the link from the file, and then upload the file again. When Google visits the link again and finds the link missing from the file, it will start counting it again towards the PageRank for your site.

When Google tells the webmasters that disavow tool should be used with caution as the tool is an advanced tool and any reckless use might end up being harmful for the site, they mean it. This, is why, any reckless and improper use should be avoided.


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